Saturday, February 4, 2012

Documentary about my wonderful dad

As most of you know, Jimmy is still in school, majoring in film and media studies.  He has his doubts about ever finding a job in the field, but we're hoping for the best!

Anyway, he took a documentary class last fall, and the major assignment for the semester was to make a documentary about someone, and he chose his grandpa, my dad, Lenard Smith.  He and a friend traveled up to Caliente to film Dad in action for a few days last fall. The final project that he turned into his professor could only be something like five minutes long and focus on one subject, but Jimmy filmed Dad doing several different things, and I asked Jimmy to make a longer version for me for Christmas.  And he did!

Since Christmas I've spent time now and then trying to figure out how to convert the DVD he made into something I can share with family and friends, and I think I've done it, so I'm going to post it here.  The video quality isn't as good as the DVD itself (of course) but I think you can get the idea.

Jimmy titled his project "86 and Still Living."  I think that describes my father pretty well!  I hope you enjoy it -- if it's one-tenth as much as I do, it's a success.

I can make copies of the DVD, so if you'd like your own copy, let me know and I'll send you one.

In case the video doesn't come through for you, here is the link on YouTube:

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